Sunday 10 July 2011

12 Happiness Enhancing Activites

Mellow Mums are Happy mums! 

Have a look at the list below of 12 Happiness Enhancing Activities from the book 'The How of Happiness' by Sonja Lyubomirsky and pick 3 or 4 that you can really relate to. Try to incorporate them into your daily life to increase your happiness levels!

Practicing gratitude and positive thinking:

(1) Express gratitude - this one is huge! Thinking about all the things we are grateful for, shifts our perception of life and we start focusing on the positive.

(2) Cultivate optimism - the glass IS half full!

(3) Avoid overthinking- stop over analyzing things and let them go.  What will be will be.

Investing in Social Connections:

(4) Practice acts of kindness - try and do a random act of kindness every day, it works even better if you don't tell anyone you did it!

(5) Nurture social relationships- although it's good to have 'me' time, make sure you make time in your diary to spend time with positive friends too.

Managing Stress, Hardship, and Trauma:

(6) Develop Strategies for Coping - by developing coping skills, we can keep our anxiety to a minimum. The key is to have those skills in place before they are needed. Determine what things in your life are stressful and be prepared for them.

(7) Learn to forgive- if you don't, it's you that comes off worse, as the negativity eats away at you. It's not always easy to forget, but try to forgive (including forgiving yourself for things), the sense of release will allow you to feel much calmer.

Living in the Present:

(8) Increase Flow experiences - those moments when you are completely and totally absorbed in an activity and as such, everything else is forgotten.

(9) Savour life’s joys - by being present in the moment we notice so many more of life's small joys, that otherwise would have passed us by. Savour them.

(10) Commit to goals - you'll feel an amazing sense of achievement when you reach them!

Taking care of body and soul:

(11) Practice spirituality - spirituality means different things to different people, but I think just having that senses of being part of something greater, gives much more depth and meaning to life, things have a sense of purpose and having a sense of purpose makes one feel happier.

(12) Take care of body through -
  • Meditation - going inwards and becoming centred gets to you a place where you can respond much more effectively to what life throws at you.
  • Physical activity - has a long lasting effect on happiness levels
  • Acting like a happy person. Fake it till you make it! You're brain doesn't know the difference and will release the happy hormones anyway!

Wishing you much happiness! x

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